Determinants of Information Needs on Climate-Smart Agriculture Among Male and Female Farmers Across Farming Systems and Agroecological Zones in Sierra Leone: Implications for Anticipatory Actions


information need
anticipatory actions
farming systems
agroecological zones

How to Cite

Amara, A., Johnson, A., Ngegba, P. M., & Oladele, O. I. (2024). Determinants of Information Needs on Climate-Smart Agriculture Among Male and Female Farmers Across Farming Systems and Agroecological Zones in Sierra Leone: Implications for Anticipatory Actions . Agricultural & Rural Studies, 2(3), 0014.


This study explores the determinants of information needed on climate-smart agriculture among male and female farmers across farming systems and agroecological zones in Sierra Leone and the implications for anticipatory actions on the basis of espousing the differences in their susceptibilities and coping mechanisms in order to improve their resilience. Eight hundred and sixty-five households were randomly selected from a sampling frame of one million households generated through house listing in twenty-one villages in Sierra Leone. In addition to secondary weather data, primary data were collected with a structured questionnaire covering climate-smart agriculture practices and analyzed using frequencies, percentages, t-test, trend analysis, Probit regression, and relationship maps to enhance data visualization. The results show that a differential in information needs exists between male and female farmers with female farmers having the highest information need. The determinants of information need are agroecological zone, age, education, marital status, household size, number of children below 18 years, household status, length of stay, farming experience, farming system, adoption, and constraints were significant determinants. From the trend analysis, it was inferred that information needs unmet have a high propensity to transform into anticipatory actions of emergencies and humanitarian crises.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Augustine Amara, Adolphus Johnson, Paul Mohamed Ngegba, Oladimeji Idowu Oladele


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