Role of Farmer Information and Advice Center in Technology Transfer and Farm Business Development of Smallholder Farmers: Insights From Bangladesh


Farmer Information and Advice Center; agricultural extension services; rural innovation; Bang-ladesh; farm business development

How to Cite

Rana, S., Halim, M. A., Mohiuddin, M., Rahman, M. S., & Rana, M. M. (2024). Role of Farmer Information and Advice Center in Technology Transfer and Farm Business Development of Smallholder Farmers: Insights From Bangladesh. Agricultural & Rural Studies, 2(1), 0001.


The Farmer Information and Advice Centers (FIACs) are currently working to provide one-stop agricultural advisory services, including climate-friendly agriculture, to farming communities in rural Bangladesh, but their role has yet to be explored. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the role of FIACs in providing need-based extension services to the farming communities to create social innovation through transforming smallholders’ agriculture into a farm business in rural Bangladesh. This study was conducted in Kishoreganj district, Bangladesh. The data were collected by questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD). Both quantitative and qualitative (Trajectory Equifinality Model, TEM) analysis was applied based on the data obtained. It was found that the local FIAC approaches give farmers easy access to improved agricultural technologies. It is a needs-based service for farming households to improve their farming practices and livelihoods. Second, their resource use efficiency has increased, and their agriculture has diversified. This has improved institutional access on the ground and farmers feel empowered. So, we can call it social innovation. Third, FIAC interventions help farmers to develop farm business. Finally, farmer characteristics such as gender, farm size, farming experience, household income, and local institutional access are significantly positively related to access to FIAC services. Therefore, our policy implications suggest that FIAC should offer a gender-sensitive service approach. However, farmers faced some difficulties in obtaining services from FIAC, they needed more competent staff and female staff.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Sohel Rana, Md Abdul Halim, Muhammad Mohiuddin, Md. Shajidur Rahman, Md. Masud Rana


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