Research on Progress of Forest Fire Monitoring With Satellite Remote Sensing


satellite remote sensing; sensors; forest fire monitoring; forest fire brightness temperature; forest fire smoke

How to Cite

Zheng, Y., Zhang, G., Tan, S., & Feng, L. (2023). Research on Progress of Forest Fire Monitoring With Satellite Remote Sensing. Agricultural & Rural Studies, 1(2), 0008.


With satellite remote sensing technology blooming, satellite remote sensing has become a common tool to detect forest fires, and played an important role in forest fire monitoring. This paper sort the research status and progress on satellite remote sensing monitoring for forest fires to provide directions and insights for subsequent research and applications. Through reviewing the literature on satellite remote sensing monitoring for forest fires, we present satellites and sensors for forest fire monitoring, describe forest fire monitoring methods through brightness temperature detection and smoke detection, and summarize current problems of satellite remote sensing monitoring of forest fires. Despite forest fire satellite remote sensing monitoring algorithms are becoming increasingly mature, it is not without problems such as slow migration of cloud detection algorithms, difficulties in unifying spatial and temporal characteristics, and difficulties in detecting small fires and low-temperature fires. Finally, in response to the problems identified, we list some recommendations with a view to providing useful references for future research on forest fire monitoring with satellite remote sensing.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ying Zheng, Gui Zhang, Sanqing Tan, Lanbo Feng


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