Agriculture is pivotal in the global economy but is challenged by unsustainable practices that harm the environment and aggravate social inequalities, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Women, making up half the agricultural workforce, often do not benefit equitably from their labour due to systemic gender inequalities. Applying a Feminist Political Ecology (FPE) lens reveals the unequal gendered power dynamics that influence access to resources, decision-making, and the distribution of benefits within agricultural value chains. In a narrative literature review, I integrate FPE principles with agroecological approaches to address gaps in understanding gender dynamics within food systems and highlight positive outcomes from integrating FPE, such as improved crop diversity, food security, and economic stability, while acknowledging challenges like entrenched gender norms, intersecting inequalities, and resistance to change. I explore how gender-sensitive agroecology can promote sustainable and equitable food systems and examine how patriarchal systems marginalize women in agriculture, restricting their access to resources and decision-making. The analysis asserts ongoing debates around the scalability of gender-sensitive agroecological approaches and the challenges of implementing FPE insights within existing policy frameworks. Identified gaps include the need for more longitudinal studies on the impacts of FPE-informed interventions and greater attention to women's diverse experiences across different agroecological zones. Overall, this review contributes to academic discourse and policy discussions, seeking to advance a critical understanding of gender equality and sustainable agriculture in smallholder farming.
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