Rural Transportation and its Impact on the Output and Income Generated from Cashew Production in Selected Rural Settlements in Kwara State, Nigeria


road conditions
rural transport
transport costs
transport service

How to Cite

Aboyeji, O. J., & Aguda, A. S. (2024). Rural Transportation and its Impact on the Output and Income Generated from Cashew Production in Selected Rural Settlements in Kwara State, Nigeria. Agricultural & Rural Studies, 2(4), 0020.


Rural transportation plays a crucial role in agricultural production and livelihood of farmers in developing countries. Information on its impact on cashew’s outputs and income is not clearly documented in the literature. Consequently, this study identified the types of roads and transport modes of cashew farmers, assessed the transport services patronized by cashew farmers, examined the annual outputs and income from cashew; and assessed the impact of transport on both in Kwara South Senatorial District Kwara State, Nigeria. Data used were obtained from 1,373 farmers systematically selected from thirty-six rural settlements in the study area. Responses were analysed using principal component analysis, regression analysis and correlation analysis. Results showed that tarred roads connected only about 44.4% of the settlements in the area. About 56.4% of respondents rated the transport services as good. Significant relationships were found between cashew output and; road condition (b = −0.151, p = 0.000) and; transport services (b = −0.097, p = 0.000), while, income from cashew was directly and significantly correlated with transport mode (r = 0.059, p < 0.05), road condition (r = −0.153, p < 0.05) and, transport services (r = −0.096, p < 0.05). The study concluded that variations in transport facilities only accounted for some level of spatial variations in both cashew’s output and income in the study area and, recommended improvements of transport facilities to enhance increase in farmers’ crop output and income to achieve improved rural livelihood.


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