The 7th Rural Revitalization Think Tank Forum and the First "Green Rural Revival Program" Forum

Organizers: Rural Revitalization Academy of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Agricultural and Rural Modernization Research Institute, Green Rural Revival Program Academy of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhejiang Agricultural Economics Society.

Co-Organizer: Agricultural & Rural Studies

Date:  October 25-26, 2024

Location: Zhejiang A&F University, Hangzhou, China

The Green Rural Revival Program, which began more than two decades ago, has helped address pressing issues while yielding remarkable results. Initiated to improve village sanitation and farmers' quality of life, it has not only transformed the countryside but also changed urban-rural relations, and enhanced rural production, lifestyle and governance.

Thanks to the rapid development of the private economy in Zhejiang since the launch of reform and opening-up, local farmers had become relatively affluent by the end of the century. But this prosperity had come at the cost of the environment.

To repair the environmental damage, the Green Rural Revival Program was launched in 2003 with the aim of restoring the environmental health of about 10,000 administrative villages in the province within five years. Out of these, about 1,000 villages were earmarked to be developed into moderately prosperous demonstration villages. The comprehensive development plan involved demolishing illegal structures, improving waste and sewage management, shutting down polluting enterprises, building roads and upgrading public facilities.

The topic of this forum revolves around the hot, key, and difficult issues in the field of promoting comprehensive rural revitalization through the "Green Rural Revival Program", including but not limited to:

The "Green Rural Revival Program" and industrial revitalization, ecological revitalization, organizational revitalization, cultural revitalization, talent promotion, common prosperity, Integrated development of urban and rural areas, digital rural construction etc.

As a co-organizer, A&R extends a cordial invitation to all colleagues who share our passion for academic excellence and wish to contribute to this strategic dialogue. Your insights and expertise could be the catalyst for our collective success. Excellent papers from the forum will be prioritized for publication in A&R.

To be a part of this event, please reach out to us at Forum is held both offline face-to-face and online through Zoom.